Prime Sports Nutrition  - Dec 14, 2023

Sarms Guide

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This SARMs Cycle Guide is your go-to reference for the safest and most effective research methods when it comes to selective androgen receptor modulators. If you’re unsure about the many different compounds, their half-life and recommended dosages, then you’re in the right place.

If you’ve made the decision to run a SARMs cycle to help you increase muscle mass, gain more strength and lose body fat without sacrificing muscle, then you need to know how to do it. This article will run you through exactly how to use the most popular SARMs, including their recommended dosages.WHAT ARE SARMS? Download Now


SARMs are Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators, chemicals which work selectively on the body’s androgen receptors to help you gain muscle and strength in a targeted way, with limited side effects.


SARMs are widely available and not associated with side effects unless you exceed the recommended dosage. That’s why you should read up on how to take SARMs so you get maximum benefits without any risks. It’s really pretty simple to achieve your goals as long as you stay within the guidelines and buy from a trusted supplier.SARMs are available as a powder (provided in a capsule or tablet) or suspended in a liquid. All SARMs are a raw powder isolate in their original form; it is a misconception that liquid SARMs are more effective – this is simply not the case. Ultimately, whether you do your research with capsules, tablets or liquids, will come down to personal preference.

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Each SARMs cycle is different, with various types of delivery methods, as well as varying concentrations and strengths. That said, every SARMs user sticks to a dosage range. In general, most compound dosages range from 5mg to 30mg per dose. Be aware that some SARMs have more powerful effects, even at lower doses. So always start low to assess your response and increase (in 5mg) as necessary.

Estrogen Blocker

Alchemy Labs E-GUARD is an all-natural estrogen blocking supplement that increases free testosterone levels, boosts performance, and can help balance unwanted cortisol levels – key factors in keeping adrenal levels healthy.

E-GUARD was formulated to be a truly effective hormone balancing agent, combining effectively dosed ingredients to help increase free testosterone, boost performance, and regulate hormone levels.E-GUARD Supports:Increased absorption of free testosterone

*Increased performance*Reduced fatigue
*Healthy hormone levels*

Who Should Take E-GUARD?Anyone looking to:Lower unwanted estrogen + cortisol levels*

Increase performance & recovery*
Maintain healthy hormone balance*
Lower stress levels*
Enhance their pro-hormone cycle*Come off a pro-hormone cycle*

Why E-GUARD Was Formulated:For men who naturally desire to maintain a healthier balance of hormones, reduce unwanted side effects of an unwanted level of estrogen and cortisol, and raise their free testosterone level.*

E-GUARD INGREDIENTS:KSM 66® Ashwagandha: A full-spectrum ashwagandha extract that aids in balancing hormones, leveling cortisol, and stabilizing mood. *Stinging Nettle Root Extract: Potent estrogen reducing, test-boosting plant with properties that can aid in the uptake of your body's natural testosterone production. *

Grape Seed Extract: This natural ingredient can help optimize hormone balance and reduce unwanted side effects. *

Milk Thistle Seed Extract: Promotes a healthy liver and supports the immune system with antioxidants. *Citrus Bioflavanoids Fruit Extract: This powerhouse ingredient helps protect your body against oxidative stress, accelerating recovery. *

Calcium D-Glucarate: Supports healthy energy levels, assists in the removal of unwanted estrogen from the body, and allows more natural testosterone to be absorbed. *DIM: Helps regulate hormone balance and reduces levels of hormones that do not promote increased levels of testosterone. Acacetin: Aids in stopping the conversion of testosterone to estrogen. *BioPerine®: This trademarked black pepper extract promotes the rapid absorption of nutrients. *

E-Guard - Estrogen Support - Alchemy Labs - Prime Sports Nutrition
E-Guard - Estrogen Support - Alchemy Labs - Prime Sports Nutrition
E-Guard - Estrogen Support - Alchemy Labs - Prime Sports Nutrition
E-Guard - Estrogen Support - Alchemy Labs - Prime Sports Nutrition
E-Guard - Estrogen Support - Alchemy Labs - Prime Sports Nutrition
E-Guard - Estrogen Support - Alchemy Labs - Prime Sports Nutrition

E-Guard - Alchemy Labs

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Transformation Sarm Stack

Reborn - MK677, MK2866, GW501516, S-23 LGD-4033, Rad-140. This Freak Show is a 5 Muscle Builder Stack that is unparalleled when it comes to putting on lean mass. Results of taking this product include increases in size, strength, endurance, and improvements in joint health.

Reborn - Lgxnds
Reborn - Lgxnds - Prime Sports Nutrition
Reborn - Lgxnds
Reborn - Lgxnds
Reborn - Lgxnds
Reborn - Lgxnds - Prime Sports Nutrition
Reborn - Lgxnds
Reborn - Lgxnds

Reborn - Lgxnds

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Bulking Sarm Stack

Massive Stack MK-677, LGD-4033, YK-11, S-23by Lgxnds is your go-to for incredible gains and strength. Enjoy out-of-this-world results with significant size increases for maximum performance. Get "Massive" now!

Massive Stack | Lgxnds - Prime Sports Nutrition
Massive Stack | Lgxnds - Prime Sports Nutrition
Massive Stack | Lgxnds - Prime Sports Nutrition
Massive Stack | Lgxnds - Prime Sports Nutrition
Massive Stack | Lgxnds - Prime Sports Nutrition
Massive Stack | Lgxnds - Prime Sports Nutrition

Massive Stack | Lgxnds

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Liver & Organ Supplement

Boost and preserve your well-being with Cycle Defender from Lgxnds. Cycle defender has key essential ingredients to help maintain kidney, liver, blood pressure, and heart function, ensuring a robust and healthy cardiovascular system. Provides active health support for the following organs*

Cycle Defender - Liver, Heart, Blood Pressure, Kidney - Lgxnds
Cycle Defender - Liver, Heart, Blood Pressure, Kidney - Lgxnds
Cycle Defender - Liver, Heart, Blood Pressure, Kidney - Lgxnds
Cycle Defender - Liver, Heart, Blood Pressure, Kidney - Lgxnds
Cycle Defender - Liver, Heart, Blood Pressure, Kidney - Lgxnds
Cycle Defender - Liver, Heart, Blood Pressure, Kidney - Lgxnds
Cycle Defender - Liver, Heart, Blood Pressure, Kidney - Lgxnds
Cycle Defender - Liver, Heart, Blood Pressure, Kidney - Lgxnds
Cycle Defender - Liver, Heart, Blood Pressure, Kidney - Lgxnds
Cycle Defender - Liver, Heart, Blood Pressure, Kidney - Lgxnds

Cycle Defender - Liver, Heart, Blood Pressure, Kidney - Lgxnds


Post Cycle Treatment

LGXNDS PCT + Test is a premium supplement designed to naturally boost testosterone production and aid in effective post-cycle therapy (PCT). This potent formula includes a Test Blendt and a PCT Blendt, each with scientifically backed ingredients like Fadogia Agrestis, Longjack Extract, and Brassaiopsis Glomerulatat. Taking LGXNDS PCT-Test can help you achieve increased muscle growth, faster recovery, and improved energy and libido. Perfect for athletes and fitness enthusiasts seeking to optimize their performance and maintain their peak physical condition.



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