Return / Cancel / Exchange Policy

We would like to remind our customers that all sales of muscle builder products are FINAL — even if the item has not yet left our shipping department. We strongly encourage you to carefully review your order details before completing your purchase.
We offer exchanges on all non muscle builder purchases. Visit our self service portal Click Here.

If you have any questions or need further clarification about our return policy, don’t hesitate to contact us at Our team is always here to assist you!

Do you have a Subscription/Reoccurring order - To manage click here

Our exchange policy is valid for 30 days. To be eligible for an exchange, the product/s being returned must be unused and sealed. Any difference due will have to be collected before the exchange product/s is shipped. Any difference owed will be refunded back to the card used for the transaction. To proceed with exchanging your order, Click Here.

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